Biometric Electronic Locks

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Biometric Electronic Locks

Locks that grant access based on a unique body trait of the person trying to open it. This can mean either your retina, face or your fingerprint./p>

Yes, fingerprint door locks are secure, especially compared to traditional locks that require a physical key. Keys can be misplaced, stolen, and copied. Fingerprints can't. As if that wasn't enough, most biometric smart locks come with added home security features, like built-in alarm systems and cameras.

Best Fingerprint Smart Locks

  • eufy Security Smart Lock Touch
  • UltraLoq Smart Lock U-Bolt Pro Z
  • Samsung Fingerprint Digital Door Lock.
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You can use the Biometric unlock settings to unlock your device and its apps. Instead of entering your Master Password or a PIN code to unlock Dashlane, Dashlane reads your fingerprint to unlock the app.