Conferencing System

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Conferencing System

Video conferencing is a type of online meeting where two or more people engage in a live audio-visual call. With a strong internet connection, the participants can see, hear, and talk to each other in real time, no matter where in the world they are.

Web conferencing allows users to conduct business meetings and seminars, lead presentations, provide online education and offer direct customer support via remote keyboard mouse control. Control of the session can be passed among users, so any attendee can act as the main presenter.

Types of Video Conferencing

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  • conversations.
  • External video calls/customer and vendor relationships.
  • Large/all-hands meetings.
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In summary, these are some of the benefits of attending a conference. Sharpen your knowledge. Gain and share new ideas and best practices. Learn about the latest innovations and insights. Meet influencers and industry experts face to face. Make new contacts and stay connected with friends and colleagues. Team building.